
One Team, but just a team

One of the agile development practices is One Team, meaning that team as a whole takes the responsibility. When agile team is formed by a bottom-up initiative, it will soon face the problems of limited sphere. Most of the problems in projects are not related to design, technology or engineering practices. These are the only ones that the team is capable to fix quickly through iterations and reflective retrospectives. After fixing its own sphere, the team hits the wall when working in the shadow of a large organization. This can be a stressfull situation as everything is starting to be crystal clear.

Afterall One Team is just a team.

Last monday at Agile Seminar Helsinki Heimo Laukkanen presented that the whole organization needs to be agile in order to fully harness the power. He talked about IT governance, but even faster you will notice need for change in leadership styles, design review practices, personnel development, project planning (not plan), marketing involvement, and a lot more. Even while the agile development only in technical level may be rewarding, seeing clearly the dysfunction of standard organizational processes (so called best practices) and structures will hammer down the gained team spirit and motivation, eventually forcing it back to old ways of working.

Changing these processes and structures in a large organization may be impossible with bottom up approach. Large organization has a whole process department to take care of the process. It would take a complete paradigm shift to access this process. What makes this hard is that this department is not rewarded based on project success or revenue, but the success of current paradigm - from the administrative perspective. Admitting that a paradigm shift is actually needed might feel like a failure of the department.

This is one of the reasons why agile interventions often fail, the rest of the organization fails to learn fast enough.


Come Again, What's the Cost and Overhead?

I've been implementing object-based stuff in C for embedded firmware with passing an index parameter to an array of structs, like I tried to explain here. Yesterday I remembered an article about pointer-less C in Embedded System Design and thought I will give it a couple minutes more. The article gives some ideas how to make pointers safer to use and talks about the cost and benefit of using pointers. I'm not saying anything about the value of article itself, but I got curious. I took our simple switch debounce filter routine which is used a lot, and which is typically the only one that actually implements multiple objects at run time. It uses the me index as parameter for two functions. I quickly modified the code so that both functions take in a pointer to a struct instead of simple unsigned char. I compiled both versions for Microchip 16F876A (8-bit uC) and got surprised. The pointer version used over 30% less code memory than the index version, reducing the ROM image from above 300 words to below 200 words. I then compiled the source files to give me the assy listing, and below are the results that I found for a simple function that just sets some members of a struct. Because of werd mechanism of indirect addressing in PIC micros, the pointer is actually passed just as a 8-bit register. Word of caution; we have experienced problems when passing pointers and enabling optimization with Hi-Tech compilar for PIC micros, that is another reason why we have avoided this.

The lesson; while I do believe in intuition for great solutions, it is worth to challenge your beliefs every once in a while.

Pointer version:

30 0764 _Cbutton_construct
31 ;button_ptr.c: 27: me->debounceCounter = 0;
33 0764 0084 movwf fsr
35 0765 1383 bcf 3,7
36 0766 0180 clrf 0
37 ;button_ptr.c: 28: me->level = !1;
39 ; _me assigned to ?a_Cbutton_construct+0
40 0000 _Cbutton_construct$me set
41 ;_me stored from w
42 0767 1283 bcf status,5
43 0768 1303 bcf status,6 ;carry unused
44 0769 00A8 movwf (((?a_Cbutton_construct+0)))
45 076A 0A28 incf (((?a_Cbutton_construct+0))),w
46 076B 0084 movwf fsr
48 076C 1383 bcf 3,7
49 076D 0180 clrf 0

Index version:

30 06F6 _Cbutton_construct
31 ;button.C: 27: theButton[meIndex].
debounceCounter = 0;
33 global _theButton
34 ; _meIndex assigned to ?a_Cbutton_construct+0
35 0000 _Cbutton_construct$meIndex set ?a_
36 ;_meIndex stored from w
37 06F6 1283 bcf status,5
38 06F7 1303 bcf status,6 ;carry unused
39 06F8 00A8 movwf (((?a_Cbutton_construct+0)))
40 06F9 0828 movf (((?a_Cbutton_construct+0))),w
41 06FA 00F0 movwf btemp
42 06FB 1003 bcf status,0
43 06FC 0DF0 rlf btemp
44 06FD 1003 bcf status,0
45 06FE 0D70 rlf btemp,w
46 06FF 3E20 addlw ((_theButton))
47 0700 0084 movwf fsr
49 0701 1383 bcf 3,7
50 0702 0180 clrf 0
51 ;button.C: 28: theButton[meIndex].level = !1;
53 0703 0828 movf (((?a_Cbutton_construct+0))),w
54 0704 00F0 movwf btemp
55 0705 1003 bcf status,0
56 0706 0DF0 rlf btemp
57 0707 1003 bcf status,0
58 0708 0D70 rlf btemp,w
59 0709 00F0 movwf btemp
60 070A 0A70 incf btemp,w
61 070B 3E20 addlw ((_theButton))
62 070C 0084 movwf fsr
64 070D 1383 bcf 3,7
65 070E 0180 clrf 0


Code smells - just refactor

As we identified, agile development puts more demand to top quality source code than we (firmware developers) are used to. Actually agile development only makes the bad quality visible to larger crowds. This fact fairly quickly takes us searching for new practices like refactoring. You can find about it in Refactoring site, or better yet from Martin Fowler's book.

There is a nice table by Gene Garcia available as a summary of code smells and refactorings. Take a look, this stuff applies to firmware as well.


We Can See Clearly Now

The beauty of Scrum, or agile development in general, is that it gets everything laid down in front of everyone. Everything, everyone, good and bad.

1. Developers learn to understand what 'done' really means, and how much effort it takes to get things done. It demands discipline not to have technical, or administrative in large organization, debt increase increment after increment, but actually do all-at-once, in parallel. At the same time the satisfaction and enjoyment from accomplishing meaninfull work is immediately rewarding.

2. Stakeholders outside the team start to understand the unpredictable nature of new product development, but also the true capablities of reliable development. Customers understand that they do not need to ask for everything in order to get at least some. Common understanding of business value (benefit) starts to emerge between the customer and developers. Managers and project managers see the effect of meaningless deliverables and context switching. Managers start to understand just to stay out of the way and remove obstacles.

Trust begins to take form.



Jeff Sutherland on the Roots of Scrum

A presentation about the roots of Scrum is available via infoQ. A 60-minute presentation held at JAOO conference about everything and some behind the Scrum as we know it today from Dr. Jeff Sutherland, the original creator of the framework. Without the need to travel. Great.


Bubble, Bubble...

We have had our continuous integration server running for a while. At this point we thought that some not so serious step should be taken. It was time to implement the lava lamps.

Being a firmware shop we obviously could not go the normal way with X10 publisher. We used our own shutter relay prototype to drive the two lamps. The relay module is normally driven with I2C -bus, but we simply used the data and clock signals to transfer pulses from pc's serial bus. The I2C bus is running at +3VDC level, so we needed to shift the 12v levels found on serial port to that level. Don't worry, the +3VDC level is isolated, so 'it should be fairly safe'. If you want help with similar hw setup, feel free to contact us.

All we did from that point was a couple of simple python scripts to drive a short pulse on DTR or RTS according the build result. This was easy with a little help from pySerial module. Shutter relay connected the lamps according the last detected pulse. These scripts are called via <execute>-publisher in CruiseControl's config.xml.

<execute command="python pulse_rts.py">

<execute command="python pulse_dtr.py">

Next steps:

  1. Write an actual publisher for DTR/RTS signals in Java
  2. Use our rf comm devices to transfer the build status
  3. Hook another lamp to indicate the ongoing build process
  4. Write a LonWorks publisher similar to X10

Mark Michaelis described their similar effort. They are a bit ahead of us.


Immediate Payoff

Ken Hughes shared his story about their first three months with Scrum development. Findings are all too familiar. There is also a nice example of excel sheet working as backlog.