
Test the Goal of the Code

It is time to get technical again. We have been writing unit tests for some time. We have tried test-driven development. However we have never been disciplined in this. Sometimes we don't write tests at all. Sometimes we don't fix the test suite when code is needed to change. Sometimes we just decide that well, this project or that part of the project does not need tests (typically when it seems to get complex or difficult to test!). We have come to a conclusion that with this approach we will never totally master the skill, and not get the benefit it is supposed to bring.

We decided to try another approach. We are writing a very real hard-time constrained, very hardware related code with 100% test-driven development (TDD) in C. A code exists to do the job, but we are gonna completely re-write it. It is originally ported to C from assembly, and this is done maybe four years ago. Since then it has been improved, modified, and adapted to new situations. What has happened is the code has rotten, it is a jungle of conditional compilation, and so forth. So what is better place to do a tiny bit of always refreshing skunk work and completely re-write the whole piece of art?

Right after we made the decision that we are gonna write EVERYTHING with test-driven development we noticed a change in thinking. We constantly think for the simplest possible thing to do, constantly re-evaluate the module (C file) interfaces and so on. If you are gonna do everything in this manner, there just is no backdoor for you.

Another big change was (well, we still need constantly remind ourselves about this) the shift in thinking towards writing the tests as specification. We often ended up thinking about the solution and then writing tests to check the solution. This is maybe caused by the fact that one shot on the code exists and is thoroughly known. However, you will create novel, simple solutions for your tests only if you think about what you want your next small code-to-be do, not how it will do it. Keith Ray has listed questions to help you in this.

Sean Shubin has done a nice work and listed first guidelines to TDD. Again:
Test the goal of the code, not the implementation


Embedded TDD Link List

I created a del.icio.us bookmarks for web resources I have found useful for understanding TDD for embedded software.

my del.icio.us bookmarks for embedded TDD


Embedded Blogosphere

Yesterday was yet another record breaking hot day in Helsinki, and what did I do? That's right, searched the net for new embedded slash agile blogs. I periodically do this, but normally I come empty handed. This time I was happily surprised to find Low Country Software Ramblings by Benoit Lavigne. Benoit was also wondering "Am I alone?", and later found out that "I am not alone after all!"

Via Benoit's blog I discovered Embedded Cork by Ralph Depping and Embedded Gurus. Embedded gurus seem to be a bit quiet, but there is some recent stuff as well. Names behind Embedded Gurus group are impressive; Nigel Jones, Michael Barr, Larry Mittag, Mike Anderson, and Miro Samek.

Keep in mind the Atomic Object Spin Embedded Corner, and But Uncle Bob Archive (James Grenning).

I linked them in sidebar - give them a look.


Story: Spike Up Your Coctail

I posted earlier about short, 6 week, experiment where we had weekly deliveries of firmware and true parallel co-design of plastics, electronics, and software/firmware. I mentioned I would try to write down experience report. Well, it became more like story, and you can find the whole of it here (pdf). (LINK CORRECTED 27/6/2007)

Abstract. Agile development is a term used for wide variety of lightweight software development methods following shared values1. Many of these methods and practices however can be applied to more general new product development. This paper describes a six week project using some of the practices from agile development. These practices included self organizing team, collective ownership, continuous integration, iterative planning, iteration demos, team retrospective meetings, wall work queue, information radiator etc. The project crystallized a vague idea and a draft of electronics schematic into two fully functioning prototypes. It is shown that meaningful functionality can be developed in just six weeks. This is remarkable when reflected against the effort needed in so called traditional process models with formal analysis/design and theoretical proof of concept with heavy review processes. This is possible because of today’s advanced development tools and prototyping technology. Stefan Thomke (2001) calls this an era of enlightened experimentation. Building the working prototype is more cost effective way of reliable proof of concept. Using this approach already in the fuzzy front-end phase of the project would result in huge savings in overall project schedule and budget. It was also noticed that all stakeholders of this project appreciated the approach and considered it as “common sense”. The positive side effect was the team building effect this period had.